News — 10
Normally they are used to keep your documents and other pieces of paper in order
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In fact, their potential goes well beyond the office. Today we will show you just a couple of interesting solutions to make you appreciate these little items. You will never get rid of them anymore! #1 Sponges Office clips will come in handy if you want your kitchen sponges to dry much faster and consequently prevent bacteria growth. Press the clip on the sponge so that the water comes out more quickly. A variety of office clips applications #2 Rubber gloves It doesn’t matter if you use rubber gloves to wash the dishes, clean or work in the...
50 Times People Spotted Something ‘Mildly Interesting’ And Documented It For The Internet To See
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If you think that the word ‘mild’ is drab, boring, and pretty ‘meh,’ then you couldn’t be more wrong. As the incredibly popular ‘Mildly Interesting’ community on Reddit will show you, mild is actually wild! The subreddit, which boasts a whopping 18.6 million members and keeps growing as though being watered and cared for by the best digital gardeners on Reddit, is a magical place dedicated to (yup! You guessed it!) mildly interesting stuff. Ranging from posts that will make you go ‘hey, that’s pretty neat’ to ‘wow, I can’t believe this exists, the world is amazing and life rocks...
Photo by Tessa Neustadt for EHD | From: Brady Gives A Refresh To His Vintage Bathroom
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We thought it about time to do some good ol’ fashion budget content. I have now been a renter for about 12 years with no sign of that changing anytime soon. So unless I want to dump an obscene amount of money renovating a home I don’t actually own, I need to make the most out of my small yet happy bathroom. This post is really for us all. I may have ranted about this before but unless you live alone (and even if you do) your bathroom is your sanctuary—away from your kids, animals, partner or whatever else you...