Thanks to A&P for providing me with product for this post. All thoughts are my own.
Hello and Welcome to The Greenish Life (TGL); my series that’s all about small tips, tricks, and products for simple steps you can take to make your family’s life a little bit greener! I want to start off by saying that I am by no means an expert in this topic; I’m just a mom who’s on a journey toward greener living for her family! I’d love to invite you to come along this journey with me!
This post is going to be about my favorite reusable travel mug, but first I want to share a little bit about why it’s so important to avoid single-use mugs and cups in the first place. There are a variety of single-use disposable cups on offer from your favorite coffee shops and restaurants, but they pretty much fall into one of three types: paper, plastic, and Styrofoam. Because I’m here to offer you tips and tricks, rather than inundate you with sad science, I’ll just say that these are all bad for the environment and my family (this, as you'll remember from my previous post in this series, is my standard for when I need to make a change to a more "green" option). Even the paper cup is bad; I always thought it was the better option because of my mistaken belief that it was recyclable. Incidentally, paper cups aren't recyclable due to the thin plastic lining on the inside; it can take up to 400 years for that plastic to break down! (Side note: this is my official apology to my recycling service for years of trying to recycle those cups—there have probably been thousands, I really like coffee!) However, single-use cups aren’t just bad for the environment, they’re bad for you too! The materials used to make the cups, Styrofoam, and plastic, seep into the drink you’re enjoying—especially if it’s a hot beverage! While the seepage may be small in each drink, over time these chemicals can build up in your system! Yuck!
So, now that you believe me that we should be skipping the single-use cup, I’ll introduce you to my favorite reusable mug!
A&P Stainless Steel Mug
While it would seem that most stainless-steel mugs are basically the same, I find that this one edges out the competition on a number of fronts. First, the lid comes with a silicone plug that makes it spill-resistant, a big consideration for me, since I’m always carrying approximately 9000 things and sloshing has been known to occur with other mugs.
Lid with Plug Second, the body shape is different to most other tumblers, which means that it fits better in my hand and in a cup holder (especially the tiny ones in my husband’s car that almost NOTHING fits into)! The shape also means that it holds more, a true 30 oz, compared to some other mugs which don’t quite get there. This might be an insignificant factor for some people, but I am a “get every drop” kind of girl so it’s a bonus for me, especially when you’re using this mug out and about and a slightly larger mug means getting more drink for the same price!
Giant mug in tiny cupholder
Finally, this mug keeps hot HOT and cold COLD! I tested it with both hot water and ice and was hugely impressed with how long it kept temperature! I can sing the praises of this test because ever since my son was born, it takes me longer and longer to finish a drink and I HATE lukewarm coffee, so I even use it at home with my morning joe!
One factor that I feel compelled to mention about a reusable mug compared with a single-use cup is cost. The single-use cup comes “free” when you buy your beverage, while a reusable one does have an upfront cost. But there are two ways I can offer to offset the cost! First, many restaurants will discount your purchase price when using your own up (which means that that disposable one wasn’t really free in the first place), so the reusable cup will likely pay for itself eventually. Second, I am excited to say that we are offering a giveaway of my favorite cup to our loyal readers; so for one of you, there will be no upfront cost at all! Giveaway info is below!
Confession time: while I use a reusable cup daily for my brewed-at-home coffee, I am TERRIBLE about remembering to use it when I’m out; which I feel super bad about! I always remember about a millisecond before they hand me my drink in a disposable cup. But, I am trying to do better; working on making it a habit to take my cup with me when I go out, and I hope that, eventually, practice will make perfect, and I kick disposable cups to the curb for once and all!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this overview of the importance of reusable mugs and cups and that I’ve got you thinking that maybe you could try this switch out! If you are interested in trying out reusable mugs and have any questions, or have already made this switch and want to share your experience, please leave your questions and comments below! I’d also love to hear about any tricks you have for remembering to use your cup when you’re out and about; I definitely need help with this! Are you on your own green adventures? If so, please share your own tips and tricks and I may feature them in an upcoming TGL Post!
Want One? Get One!
If you're convinced and want to try out my favorite reusable mug, click here to get one on Amazon!
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Want One? Win One!
One lucky MBP reader will win their very own Stainless Steel Tumbler! RV is $25.90. Just use the handy RC entry form below to enter for your chance to win this lovely prize! This giveaway is open to US residents, 18 and older. Just the RC entry form below to enter for your chance to win. Mommy's Block Party is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Please see our policies page for details.
Special thanks to our friends at A&P Products for allowing me to try out the item mentioned here and for offering this special giveaway for our audience.
Best of luck!
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